We at the Avenue Clinic monitor closely the information from our government, the NHS, our
regulator (GCC), our professional association (BCA and MCA) and Royal College.
1. Please cancel, do not attend your appointment, if you exhibit the symptoms of coronavirus
(high temperature, new or continuous cough).
2. We are sign-posting current government recommendations for your information in our
3. We offer anti-bacterial hand gel upon arrival. We are using paper barriers and single-used
washed gowns and diligently disinfecting between each patient visit all contact points in
treatment rooms. We are regularly cleaning our reception room and toilets.
4. All practitioners and staff are regularly washing their hands and monitoring/protecting their
own and their family’s health.
5. We have arranged seating in reception to allow appropriate distance between patients and
removed all reading material.
6. We encourage patients to enter the building at the time of their appointment and leave as
soon as possible afterwards.
7. Our ‘at risk’ patients (pregnant, over 70, health condition, weakened immune system) are
welcome to phone us for advice and we will do our best to help you.
8. We will offer remote services via phone/video link for new and returning patients. We can
offer care in the form of education and advice on posture/ergonomics/exercise and self care
which can be very effective.
9. While we are taking every precaution to limit your exposure to coronavirus, we cannot
guarantee that there is no risk as a result of attending our clinic for treatment.

We are here to help, all your questions and concerns are warmly welcomed!