Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for most people and for many problems, however, in some cases chiropractic may not be the best option, in which case we will refer you on to the appropriate person to deal with your problem.
You may benefit from manipulation, mobilisation, dry needling (acupuncture for muscular or joint problems – see picture above), exercises, advice about your activities of daily living, ergonomic advice; massage, dietary advice, orthotics, mental stress relieving advice, all of which can impact on your recovery from joint pain and all of which your chiropractor at the clinic can help you with.
Your happiness and safety is our first concern at all times; so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about any stage of your treatment plan.
Remember, if we don’t know that you are concerned about something to do with your treatment, we can’t help, so please do tell one of us if you are!