Acupuncture Awareness Week at The Avenue Clinic

How can acupuncture help you?  In many ways – not just physical problems can be helped by acupuncture.

Psychological stress, whenever from short term events like a traffic jam or major life events such as divorce, job loss etc , can severely affect us on all levels. Stress is highly personal and about 70% of doctors’ visits and 80% of serious illnesses can be exacerbated by and related to stress. Acupuncture is an ancient, evidenced based complementary therapy. Treatment relaxes individuals and helps them to gain better control of their body, mind and emotions.

Acupuncture awareness week is 2nd-8th of March and has the management of stress with acupuncture treatment as the main focus.  Donna Air is a TV presenter who’s talk on how Acupuncture helped her to cope with stress is available at

Come to discover the health benefits of Acupuncture. by booking a free consultation with Cristina, the Acupuncturist at the Avenue Clinic, on Monday 2nd of March

For more information please call or email Cristina on 07739251196,